Virtual meetings and events, a critical component to a strategic meetings management (SMM) strategy, expand organizations’ options to communicate, and they broaden a meeting planner’s toolbox of planning solutions. There is no doubt, virtual meetings are on the rise and will continue to be used more by planners.
But not all perceive the same definition or expect the same services when hearing the term, “virtual meeting” or “virtual event.” By definition, a virtual meeting or event provides for live or archived communications among small to large and local to global attendees. Yet, the three tiers of virtual meetings and events offer different experiences for attendees and require various levels of support to be successful. Various types of virtual meetings and events exist.
There are three primary tiers to virtual meetings/events as illustrated below.
See the benefits of virtual meetings/events, the metrics that you should capture, and the responsibilities of a virtual meeting/event planner.
Use the attached whitepaper to build your program. Recogize significant savings, reduce emissions, and expand your message to more people quickly. If you need any help, please ask me!
Download Creating a Virtual and Meeting Event Strategy by Debi Scholar
Debi Scholar