Goodness sakes, do we love our acronyms or what?
Are you a Do-It-Yourselfer (DIY) or do you hire contracted help? In our business environment, many managers are roll-up-your sleeves, working managers who need to quickly learn how to do things on their own...we're in a DIY environment.
Today I held a very well-attended webinar on Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Travel and Meetings Leaders. After explaining example after example, and an online exploration of my Excel spreadsheets for webinar attendees, I offered the templates to the attendees HERE at this Website.
The five templates and PowerPoint document include over 75 KPIs, scorecards, Excel graphs, and SLA language, and are valued at almost $2,000 in consulting development hours. When polled, 50% of the webinar attendees stated that they joined the webinar so they could save time and use KPIs that were already developed. Viola, we have a solution!
As many attendees took advantage of the DIY templates, I'm thrilled that I can help buyers and suppliers learn more about the tools and templates that we use. Clarity is Power and Empowering People to succeed is one of my goals in life. We are all consultants—some of us are internal, some of us are external. If I can teach you how to be self-sufficient so that you can consult with your stakeholders, then you are empowered.
To that end, I am developing a new Product Line called "Conquer Consulting" with the tagline: "Simple and Successful Secrets to Becoming a Business Consultant." Soon, the website will be ready and it will offer downloadable tools and templates on becoming a better internal or external business consultant.
In the meantime, if you want access to our SLA and KPI tools and templates valued at almost $2K, click here.
Click here for an article on SLAs and KPIs.
Please join me:
1. Developing your
Dinova Meeting and Event Strategy - Session 2 - Implementing the Plan
28, 2013 at 2:00 pm EST
2. Top
10 Strategies for Building your Brand through LinkedIn
March 7,
12:00 pm EST
3. Meeting Management Company Pricing Secrets
March 13,
12:00 pm EST
4. Join me at the Pharma Conference in Orlando
5. Join me in San Diego at the Work at Home Business Expo
6. Join me in New York at the Small Business Expo
7. Join me at the Georgia Business Travel Association meeting
Have a great week, and remember, Make it FUN and WIN!
Debi Scholar